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Welcome Home, Tessa [Allure, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7
Welcome Home, Tessa [Allure, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Read online
Page 7
“Tessa, don’t you take that tone with me. I’ve been trying for years to get you to make better choices but you were just too stubborn to listen. If you could have just been more like, Ally—” Tessa cut her off.
“But I’m not Ally, Mom. Stop comparing me to her. You always have and I’m tired of hearing it. Can’t you just for once be happy for me and let the past go? I can’t go back and change things any more than you can. I just want to enjoy my time at home with my family before I have to go back home to Seattle. I certainly don’t want to spend the time arguing with you over things we can’t change in the past. For once in my life can’t you just be proud of me for me?”
“Tessa, I am proud of you. However, I don’t like your attitude.”
“Well, I’m sorry, Mom, but I’ve been quiet and let you hurt my feelings for far too long. I just can’t do it anymore. I love you, Mom, but it seems that has never been enough.” Tessa kissed her mom’s cheek and went to find Brad. She was ready to leave.
On the ride home, Tessa stared out the window as the tears ran down her face. She was tired of crying over the way her mom always made her feel inferior to everyone else, especially Ally. She wasn’t sorry for what she said to her mom. She just wished it hadn’t been under these circumstances.
“Talk to me, little girl. What happened with Mom?” Brad asked as he reached over and squeezed her hand.
“How did you know it was Mom? Same thing as always. I thought that she would just be happy I was here and hoped that maybe I was for once the daughter she had always wanted me to be, but no. She still had to bring up the past and how I should have made changes a long time ago and how I should have been more like Ally. I’m not Ally, damn it. I’m me and I like me. I don’t have to justify to her or anyone else why I am the way I am. I’ll just be glad when Dad is better and I can get the hell out of here and go back to my life where I don’t have to feel that I’m not good enough or be judged for my choices, because I’m telling you right now, Brad, I love Mom but she makes me feel like shit and I’m done with feeling that way.”
“Wow, don’t think I’ve ever heard you cuss like that before, Tess. I’m sorry Mom is that way with you and I honestly don’t know why. I’ve wondered for years why she has always treated you that way and I’ve even talked to Dad about it. He is just as baffled as we are. I know he’s talked to her about it and that is probably the only thing I know they have argued about. Maybe now that you’ve told her how you feel, things will be better. One thing that will never change though, Tessa, is that we love you, no matter what. Is Mom the reason you have stayed away for so long, Tess?”
“I won’t lie to you. Mom has a whole lot to do with it. I just like who I am in Seattle and how I feel about myself. I’ve got supportive friends that don’t make me feel bad about myself. I’m happy there.”
“I’ve always been supportive of you, Tessa, and so has Dad and Lanni. We’ve missed you so much. Don’t you think you could be happy here?”
“I don’t know, Brad. There is no way Mom is going to change when it comes to me and it hurts worse as I get older. I just don’t get it. I love her, ya know? I could never imagine treating a child of mine the way she treats me. I promise I will visit more often though. You’re my rock and I love you and I can’t imagine not being around to watch your kids grow up.”
“I love you too, little girl, and I want my kids to know what an incredible aunt they have. They need you in their lives. We all do.”
Tessa was quiet the rest of the way home and was glad for once to have that big empty house all to herself.
Ally came home Friday night and they spent the evening watching movies and eating pizza. Lanni had come over also, bringing Kayden with her. Lanni was right. Kayden had changed. She commented on how great Tessa looked and was also looking forward to going out tomorrow night.
“So, let us see this belly ring and tattoo, Tess,” Lanni told her.
“You’ve got a tattoo?” Ally chimed in.
“Thanks, Lanni. God, can’t a girl have any secrets?” she said smiling.
“Not in this family,” Ally said laughing and everyone joined in.
“So where is this tattoo?” Ally asked.
Tessa smirked and said, “Which one you want to see first?”
That got everyone’s attention. “How many do you have, Tess?” Lanni asked.
“Three.” Tessa stood and pulled up her shirt, showing them the rose first. “I have a rose right here on my shoulder.”
“Wow, that’s beautiful. Did it hurt?” Kayden asked.
“Not much. It actually healed pretty fast. My friend Heather had a little more trouble with hers. It got infected. But I took care of mine and followed the directions they gave me and never had any issues with it. I love the way it makes me feel.”
“Wow, the detail is amazing,” Kayden told her.
Then Tessa unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied them down her thighs a little. “I have one right her on my right cheek,” she told them as she turned around so they could all see.
“Damn, Tessa, you’re wearing a thong? I’ve never had the nerve to buy one since Mom usually does my laundry. She’d have a fit, I’m sure,” Ally said.
Then Tessa turned around and pulled the front of her panties aside and showed them the last tattoo.
“Oh hell, I bet that one hurt,” Lanni said.
“Yeah, a little bit, but not as much as you would think.”
“Wasn’t it kinda weird to have someone working on you in that area?” Ally asked.
“At first it was, but the guy who does my tattoos, Brody, he is really cool. He doesn’t have you laid out all bare. He keeps you covered up and only looks at the area he is working on.”
“So did you, like, shave before you got the tattoo?” Everyone looked at Ally when she asked and then she said, “What? Don’t tell me you guys weren’t thinking the same thing and from the location of that tat it looks like you keep it shaved, I’m just sayin’.”
Tessa laughed. “I don’t shave, Ally. If you must know, I get a Brazilian wax every three months or so. I don’t have any hair anywhere down there.”
“Damn, girl, you are just full of surprises. I’ve heard about that but never actually thought about having it done. That had to hurt, didn’t it?” Kayden asked with a look in her eyes that made Tessa think that she was interested in getting it done.
“It was a little uncomfortable, especially the first time, but not unbearable, and since I’ve been getting it done for a few years now it doesn’t hurt at all anymore and I don’t have to go as often as I did at first. I think the hardest part was when she waxed my ass area. That was really a weird feeling.”
“They wax there, too? Damn, not sure I want to get that done then,” Kayden said.
“Yeah, that’s what my first thought was, too, but I gotta tell you, it’s so worth it.”
Tessa pulled her jeans up and buttoned them, sitting back down on the couch. “I sure hope you guys don’t think I’m a freak, but I like what I’ve done to my body.”
“Nobody thinks you’re a freak, Tessa. I can tell you though that I’m a little jealous. I don’t know if I could be as adventurous as you or as free-spirited. I think it’s awesome, that you’re awesome, and damn, I’m so glad you’re home.” Lanni leaned over and gave Tessa a hug. They finished watching the movie, picked up the mess, and called it a night. Lanni and Kayden left saying they would see her tomorrow and Tessa locked the door.
“Hey, Tess, can I talk to you for a minute before you go to bed?” Ally asked.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Brad told me what happened with Mom on Wednesday. I just want you to know that I’ve always been in awe of you, Tessa. I’ve always wanted to be like you, smart, pretty, and independent. I’ve always wondered if you stayed away for so long because of me. I don’t know why Mom compares us because there is nothing special about me. You’re the special one, Tessa. You’re the one that can help Dad get through this because he d
oesn’t have to worry about the store. You’re the one that has proved to me that you can do whatever you put your mind to. I just want you to know how much I love you and how happy I am that I’m finally getting a chance to know you and spend time with you, which is selfish on my part, I know, but being with you, around you, is something that I’ve always wanted. That’s why I bugged you so much about coming to Seattle. I just wanted to know you.”
Tessa couldn’t help the tears that ran down her face. She pulled Ally into her arms and said, “I never stayed away because of you, Al, and I never blamed you for what mom said. I was jealous of you because of the relationship you had with her but never once did I blame you. I’m so sorry I kept you away from me. In Seattle, it’s like I’m a different person. I’m the woman that I always wanted to be there. I guess I was being the selfish one because I didn’t want anyone to interfere in my life or judge the way I lived and the choices I made. I’m so proud of the woman you are becoming. You are beautiful, loyal, and smart, and I’m thankful to have a sister like you. I promise for now on I will make more of an effort to spend time with you whether it’s here or in Seattle. I love you, Ally.”
By the time both girls were done crying and hugging it was well after midnight. Tessa went to bed feeling guilty about keeping Ally away from her. Things were going to change and she was going to be the best big sister she could be. She was also going to be herself while she was home.
On Saturday the pharmacy was only open from 9 am to noon. Kathy didn’t work Saturdays but Ally did. That was one thing Ally had been doing for the last couple years and she rarely missed a Saturday. Dad used to have another woman that worked for him, but she retired right after Ally started college. She assured her dad that she could do it so he gave her a chance and she hadn’t let him down. She was great with the customers and fit in well. It also gave Ally spending money. The morning went by quickly and before they knew it, it was time to close.
* * * *
As Tessa started getting ready to go out, she was glad to have her hair down. She had worn her hair up all week because it looked more professional, but it sure felt good to have it loosely curling down her back. She called Heather for some moral support. “I just don’t know what I should wear. I had meant to buy some clothes here to fit in better but never found the time,” she told her.
“Why don’t you wear what you were going to the last time we were supposed to go out? Wear the black mini with the zippers, red, short tank with the low cut V-neck that makes your boobs look incredible, the black lace bra, and the knee high boots? You might as well make a lasting impression on that little Podunk town and dress the way you like to dress. You don’t need to try and be someone you’re not by wearing the same type of clothes as everyone else down there. Why fit in when you can stand out? Tessa, you just need to be you, isn’t that what we always tell each other? Do what makes you feel good and to hell with what everyone else thinks,” Heather said with a laugh.
“You’re right. I may as well be me. I like me. I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know how it went.”
“I like the person you are, too. Knock ’em dead, Tess. Can’t wait for all the details. Take care of you, ”Heather told her as she hung up.
Tessa put on the finishing touches to her makeup then met her sister downstairs. “Wow, you look amazing. Hurry up, let’s go. I can’t remember being this excited about going anywhere. I can’t wait to see the faces of those cowboys when you walk in the door.”
“Yeah, well you look pretty darn cute in my pink miniskirt. I’m gonna have to keep an eye on you.”
“Well, they see me all the time. You, on the other hand, oh just come on, fun’s awaiting!”
By the time they pulled in the parking lot, the place was already jumping. Tessa felt a little nervous as they approached the doors. Maybe she should have worn a pair of jeans and a shirt. Too late, there was no turning back now.
Lanni and Kayden had already acquired a table near the dance floor. Tessa greeted Liz, Ronni, and Bobbi and noticed the girls were giving her the once over. She removed her long coat and draped it over the back of her chair, catching everyone’s attention. The waitress came over and took their drink orders, staring at Tessa as if trying to figure out who she was and giving her a dirty look. Tessa knew her, but wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of telling her who she was. Holly Roberts had always been a total bitch to her in school, and treated her worse than most people, so as far as Tessa was concerned she could just keep right on guessing.
“You look so hot, Tessa. I should have dressed up or borrowed some clothes from you. Looks like Ally did. So do you see any familiar faces, Tessa?” Lanni asked.
Tessa looked around the bar and easily picked out the Thompson triplets, Aaron, Keifer, and Keith. They hadn’t changed much, but they had grown into their lanky bodies. They were built of solid muscle and still cute as can be. Too bad they never appealed to her. Tessa saw Henry talking to a couple guys she didn’t recognized. He saw her and waved and gave her a smile. Lanni pointed out Lucas, Adrian, and Jackson Montgomery who were playing pool. She remembered them from school. Nice-looking brothers but once again she felt nothing. Brad had told her that Lucas was the new sheriff in Allure. Krista Collins, Sam’s eldest cousin, was dancing with Rayne Hollister, one of Lanni’s brothers, and Scott Hollister, Lanni’s other brother, was shooting pool with Cooper Collins who was in town for the weekend. He signed a record deal a few years ago and was constantly on tour. He was really talented and good looking, the total package. It was nice to see him hanging out with his friends without all the women and fans constantly bothering him. Lanni had said that whenever he could get away he came home where life is normal. Dallas and Holden Collins were also playing pool with Scott and Coop. “I’m surprised how many people here I know but would never have recognized. I think Coop was probably fifteen the last time I saw him, although I would have recognized him since I have both of his CDs and have watched his music videos. Who are those guys Henry’s talking to?”
“That’s Steve McKenzie, he’s a paramedic, and Danny Newman, who works for the Collins’ ranch. They’ve been here a few years now, nice guys but major players,” Ally told her. “The other guy is Blake Baxter. He’s Henry’s roommate. He works part-time at the post office and works with Henry doing odd jobs. He moved here from Nebraska a few years ago.”
“Is that Jake and Andy Reynolds that just walked in the door? I remember you had such a huge crush on Andy when we were sophomores, Lanni.”
Lanni looked toward the door and watched as Jake and Andy approached their table. “Hey, Lanni, how you doing tonight? Gonna save me a dance later?”
“Don’t hold your breath,” she told him as her face and neck turned pink.
“Now don’t be that way, sweetheart. I only want to dance with you,” Andy told her.
“And then when he’s done, it’s my turn,” Jake told her. Then he turned toward Tessa. “I don’t think we’ve meet, pretty lady. I’m Jake Reynolds and this here is my brother Andy. We’re close friends of Lanni.”
“Jesus, we are not close friends and I’m sure Tessa remembers you.”
“Tessa? Tessa Walker, well I’ll be damned. You sure are a pretty little thing. I didn’t know you were back in town. I’m real sorry to hear about your dad. How is he doing?”
“He’s doing well, seems to be better every day. I see you two haven’t changed much, still horrible flirts.”
“Naw, we’ve grown up, just can’t pass by the chance to talk to the prettiest girl in the bar,” he said as he looked at Lanni. “It was good seeing you, Tessa. I’ll be back to claim my dance in a bit, Lanni.” Jake winked at her, making the pink shade of her cheeks even darker.
“Good to see you, Tessa. Let us know if you need help with anything. I’ll be back, Lanni.” Andy also winked as he followed his brother to the bar.
Lanni raised her hand. “Don’t say anything, Tessa. We’ll talk later,” Lanni told her.
The DJ
was good at picking the right selections. Lanni stood up and said, “I love this song, time to dance!” All the women at the table moved to the dance floor. The DJ played “Got My Country On” by Chris Cagle. Tessa loved that song. She walked out to the floor, swinging her hips, and decided, “What the hell, it’s time to party!”
* * * *
The Collins brothers walked into the bar and headed toward their usual table. Mitch was just getting ready to sit down when he heard Sam say, “Fuck me, check out the dance floor.”
They all looked toward the dance floor and right there in the middle of all the usual women was the hottest woman they had ever laid eyes on, rolling her hips, swinging them from side to side as she lifted her hair then let it slowly drop down her back. Her arms rose above her head as her hips continued rocking. She had a perfect hourglass shape, a body that was made for a man’s pleasure. Her hips were womanly, perfect to grab a hold of and fuck. Her breasts were incredible, more than a generous handful and firm as they moved slightly with the music, and they appeared to be real. This wasn’t any woman from around here. They would have remembered her. She had on a short, black leather skirt, black boots that ended above the knee, and a tiny red top. Mitch felt the telltale signs that his cock had taken notice as it started to stir. He continued to watch the woman on the dance floor, enjoying the show and the way she moved. He wanted to go to her, grind up behind her, and find out if she felt as good as she looked. Damn, he hadn’t wanted any woman as bad as he wanted this one and he had only been watching her for a minute. He wanted to feel the silky auburn hair on his chest and his thighs as she wrapped those pouty lips around his cock. He could tell by the look on his brothers’ faces they were just as turned on and interested.
“Who the fuck is that? I would damn sure remember her,” Sam said as he adjusted himself in his seat, trying to find some relief from his raging hard on. “Shit, did you see that? Check out her stomach. She’s got a fucking piercing. Damn, that’s hot.”