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Welcome Home, Tessa [Allure, Wyoming] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

  “Yes, I saved myself for you, Sam, only you. Please, I can’t stand it. I need to feel you inside me.” Sam slowly pushed into her then stopped to give her body a chance to adjust to his size. When her eyes opened and met his, he started stroking just a little deeper with each thrust.

  “Please, Sam, more.”

  “Baby, I don’t want to hurt you. Stay still and watch, Tessa. Look how your beautiful pussy is letting me in as I love you.”

  She was so aroused that lying still and watching was the hardest thing she ever had to do. “Feels so good, Sam, I want to feel all of you.”

  “You will, sweetness. I’m almost there.” As soon as he came up against her barrier, he paused. “This will only be uncomfortable for a second, baby, and then I’ll be all the way inside you,” he told her as he pulled back and plunged forward, taking her virginity. He held her tight, giving her time to adjust to his presence. “Are you OK, baby?”

  “I’m fine. You were right, it only hurt for a second, but now I need you to move, please. Fuck me, Sam.”

  “My pleasure, baby. I fully intend to make you mine.” He pulled back slowly leaving just the head of his cock surrounded by her heat. He slowly pushed back inside her not wanting to hurt her. He could feel her muscles tighten around him. He wasn’t going to last long. He was balls deep in her hot, wet cunt and he had never felt anything this good in his life. He never wanted this to end. He began moving faster, hitting her cervix with every stroke as he listened to her moans of pleasure. She was driving him wild as her nails sunk into his ass, trying to pull him against her harder. He fucked into her body faster as his balls hit her ass, and he knew they were both close. He reached down and pinched Tessa’s clit, at the same time telling her, “Come with me, baby. Come all over my cock.”

  Tessa screamed her release, squeezing his cock so tight that he couldn’t hold off any longer. Cum shot out of his cock into the tip of the condom, filling it as wave after wave of their release consumed him. He had never come so hard in his life or felt so close to another person. This was what it was like to make love. The depth of pleasure was almost overwhelming.

  Tessa’s body continued to shudder as her body slowly came down from the explosive orgasm they had shared. Never had she thought it would be this good. There was no doubt in her mind that she had made the right decision to wait for Sam. He looked into her eyes and whispered, “I lo—”

  “Excuse me, miss, we are getting ready to land. Can you please raise your seat to an upright position and prepare for landing?” She felt a hand on her shoulder that gently shook her.

  Tessa opened her eyes, slowly remembering where she was. It was all a dream. She was still on the plane. She could feel the moisture between her legs as she sat up. Had she come in her sleep? She had never had such a vivid dream before. Oh God, had she made any noise? She looked at the flight attendant who only smiled and moved on to the next passenger. Tessa felt her face flush as she looked down at her lap, praying that no one had noticed her. The pilot announced that they would be making their descent into Casper. She put her Kindle back in her bag and took a calming breath. She was almost home.

  * * * *

  The plane landed and she headed toward baggage claim. She had everything planned out. She would get her luggage then see about getting a rental car. As she approached baggage claim, she saw a familiar-looking cowboy dressed in well-worn jeans that hugged his thighs and rode low on his hips, tight black T-shirt, cowboy boots, and a big belt buckle leaning against the side wall. His hair was a little longer than she had ever seen it and it curled at the ends underneath a black Stetson that sat atop that full head of hair. He no longer had that boyish look. He appeared to be even more muscular and much broader than she remembered. The pictures she had seen over the years didn’t do him justice. Good Lord, he had become one of the most handsome, sexiest men she had ever seen.

  He didn’t see her approach even though he seemed to be scanning the crowd of the twenty-six passengers who had gotten off the plane. When Tessa was finally right in front of him, she poked him in the stomach and said, “Hey, big brother, you got a hug for me or what?”

  * * * *

  Brad couldn’t believe his eyes. He had seen this sexy little woman as she entered the baggage claim area. He was a happily married man, but he was only human. A woman like that commanded a man’s attention and by the looks of the men in the area they were all watching her. As she proceeded to walk, she rocked those holey jeans she was wearing and sauntered right up to him. Then he looked into her eyes and she smiled. No fucking way, he thought to himself. That wasn’t a hot-as-hell sexy woman at all. That was his baby sister. “Tess?” Brad had just said her name when she launched herself into his arms. Then he heard her sob and felt the tears begin to soak his shirt as she cried.

  “Hey now, little girl, it’s all right. What’s with the tears?” he asked as he rubbed her back and set her back down on her feet. She was a little thing, not what he remembered. She was five foot five and had more curves than should be legal. Hell, it was gonna be a bitch to keep all the cowboys away from her.

  “I’m so sorry, Brad. I should have been here,” she told her brother as she was trying to pull herself together.

  “Now don’t go blaming yourself, little girl. You know we’ve been trying for years to get dad to take some time off, hire some help, and slow down. You know how stubborn he is. Shoot, he loves that place and all the people that come in every day. He’s gonna be just fine. Don’t you worry your beautiful little head about it. Now, let me take a good look at you.”

  Tess stepped back and watched as her brother let out a little whistle.

  “Where the hell is my shy little sister with her glasses sliding down her nose and her sweats and sweatshirt? Damn, girl, you are a beauty. I’m gonna have to stop on the way home and get some more shells for my shotgun. And while I’m at it, let’s get you a big baggy sweat suit and cover up this new body of yours.”

  Wow, her brother just said she was beautiful. Coming from him that was the best compliment she had ever gotten. It also made her laugh. She looked down at herself and asked, “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

  Brad shook his head and said, “If those jeans were any tighter I would have thought you painted them on, not to mention that they are cut way too low. The five-inch heels on those boots make your legs look incredibly long, and Christ, Tess, your shirt’s so short I can see your belly button, and what the hell is that hanging from it?”

  “That would be a belly ring. You like?” she asked him as she noticed the scowl on his face. “I’m not a baby anymore, Bradley, and I sure the hell am not the same girl who left here six years ago. I’m a grown woman. I like my clothes and my shoes and I especially like my belly ring. You’re just gonna have to learn to live with it.” Tessa turned to go and find her luggage.

  “Now hold on just a minute, little girl. Don’t go getting all defensive. Damn but you have changed. Got a little too much attitude for me now though,” he said with a smile and a wink. “I can’t remember you ever standing up to me before and I’m not so sure I like it. Let me grab your bags, Tess. Which ones are yours?” She pointed to the ones with the hot-pink ribbons on them, “Hot pink, huh? That figures. Didn’t your favorite color used to be blue? And I didn’t say I didn’t like the belly ring. It just surprised the shit out of me. I just don’t want anyone else to like it or see it, that’s all.” Then he smiled. “But maybe you can talk Annie into getting one. It really is hot as hell. I just didn’t expect you to look this way and neither will anyone else. Man, this is gonna be interesting. Just wait till Ma gets a load of you.” Then he giggled like he did when he was younger and Tess couldn’t help but hug him again. He may be a bit overprotective, but all in all, he was also down-to-earth and fun and she loved him to pieces. “So how much did that hurt?” Tessa laughed, shaking her head that Brad was so interested in her piercing. If he only knew what else she had that he couldn’t see.

  Brad load
ed up the luggage into the back of his big dually pickup then lifted Tessa up into the cab with ease, something else that had surprised them both. Tess didn’t think there had ever been a time that Brad had lifted her unless it was when she was a baby.

  Brad just smiled and shook his head as he closed her door and walked around to get in the driver’s side. Their mom had told him what time her plane was coming in and he decided he needed a break from the hospital and would surprise her by picking her up. The surprise was on him. After waiting for an extra hour for her plane to land and then impatiently watching for her, he sure as shit didn’t expect this dynamic little spitfire that walked up to him to be his little sister. He kept glancing at her out of the corner of his eye. He just couldn’t believe that this was his brainy, quiet, demure, overachieving little sister! This woman sitting next to him was sex on five-inch heels! Jesus, he had enough problems dealing with Ally and her bar escapades. Once Tess hit the bars it would become a nightmare. He couldn’t believe how much she had changed, how confident she was, and how she carried herself. She wasn’t the shy little girl he remembered with her face buried in a book. This woman could command an entire bar of cowboys and have every one of them wrapped around her little finger with a bat of an eye and that scared the shit out of him. There were way too many cowboys looking for a piece of ass and he would be damned if any one of them was gonna touch his little sister. He’d warn every one of his fucking ranch hands as soon as he got back that they better not even as much as look her way or they’d be looking for a new job, which was the same warning they had gotten about Ally. Fuck, he hadn’t been in a fight for a hell of a long time but from the looks of Tessa, that was gonna change. Damn, Annie was gonna be pissed if he got into a fight, let alone a bunch of them. He was just gonna have to keep Tess out of the bars and dressed in oversize baggie clothes like she used to wear.

  * * * *

  As they pulled up to the hospital, Tess thought about one of her dad’s favorite quotes from Waylon Jennings. “You’re never really done with your work in a lifetime, though sometimes other people are able to carry it on for you.” She only prayed that her dad still had a whole lot of work left in him because she wasn’t ready to carry on without him.

  Brad parked his truck and came around to help Tess out. She hadn’t ridden in a truck like this since she had left town. She forgot how difficult it could be to get in and out of a pickup that was so high off the ground. Brad wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked in to the hospital saying, “I just can’t wait till Ma sees you. Wish I had a camera with me to get a picture of her face so Dad could see it.” Tessa wrapped her arm around her brother’s waist, enjoying the closeness, and gave him a hug. She knew he was trying to ease her fears and make her smile. She couldn’t believe how much she had missed him, missed this familiarity. He was always one of Tessa’s biggest supporters besides her dad and he also never understood why their mom treated her the way she did. God, she was an idiot for staying gone for so long. She could tell that her new look was a shock to him, and maybe even bothered him a bit, but he was always the overprotective type and she loved him for that.

  They took the elevator to the sixth floor, which was the ICU, and walked toward their dad’s room. Tessa could feel her heart beating faster the closer they got. “Please God, let him be OK,” she kept repeating to herself. They stopped in the doorway of her dad’s hospital room and the first thing Tessa noticed was her mom. She had her head resting on the bed next to her dad. She looked like she had aged ten years since Tessa had seen her last. As they walked into the room, she saw her sister was curled up, asleep in the chair in the corner. Her mom must have heard them because she slowly picked her head up and looked their way. She didn’t say anything at first, just stared as if confused. Then her eyes opened wide as she looked from Brad, then back to her. A soft smile and look of relief appeared on her face. “Tessa Rose?”

  Tess walked toward her mom as she stood up and went right into her arms. Even though they had a difficult relationship, this was her mom and she loved her. It felt so good to have her mom’s arms wrapped around her and she couldn’t help but cry again. “Shh, sweetheart, don’t cry. Daddy is going to be just fine and he is going to be so happy to see you,” she told her as she continued to hold her. Sporadically, like now, her mom surprised her and was warm and loving, exactly what Tessa needed.

  “I’m so sorry, Mama. I should have come home right after college. I should have been here to help Daddy. I could have taken some of the pressure—”

  Diane Walker cut her daughter off. “Now you listen to me. We all know that it wouldn’t have mattered if you were here or not. We all know how stubborn your daddy is. All we can hope now is that he will slow down. The doctors are optimistic that he will make a full recovery in time. Once he wakes up they will be able to determine more but they are pretty sure he will probably need to go to speech therapy and see a physical therapist, but with the right care and time he should be almost as good as new. So don’t go blaming yourself. You’re here now and that’s all that matters. All the shoulda wouldas aren’t going to change anything. Don’t blame any of this on yourself.”

  As her mom released her, Tess felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned and heard, “Who the hell are you and what have you done with my big sister?” Then Ally threw herself into Tessa’s arms. Wow had Ally ever grown up. She was only a fifteen-year-old girl when Tess left home. Now at twenty-one, Ally was a beautiful young woman. Ally was a couple inches taller than Tessa now. Her hair was darker than Tessa’s and hung down below her shoulders, not quite as long as Tessa’s, but they both had the same natural curls. She had long legs and an attitude to go with the whole package. She had missed so much in the six years she had been gone. How could she ever forgive herself?

  Ally interrupted her thoughts. “God, it’s so good to see you. I’m so glad you’re home. You look amazing. I bet we are the same size and I can’t wait to see what kind of clothes you brought with you!” Leave it to Ally to cut straight to the chase and go for the clothes, but after sitting in the hospital for over twenty-four hours, Tess thought it probably gave Ally something to look forward to. Most likely she didn’t even know what she was rambling about. She looked tired and Tess could see the worry in her eyes.

  “It’s good to see you, too, Ally Gator.” Tessa teased her with the nickname she had given her when she was a little girl.

  She hugged her again as Ally said, “God, I hate it when you call me that. No one has called me that in a really long time.” Tessa laughed as she let go of her sister, hearing a scratchy voice behind her.

  “Tessa Rose?” Tessa turned the same time her brother, sister, and mom did and realized her dad was awake. Thank God!

  “Yeah, Daddy, it’s me,” she said as she walked to his side and took his hand. It was so cold. The tears ran down her cheeks. She just couldn’t seem to stop them.

  A small smile appeared on his face. “About damn time you came home. Didn’t think it was gonna take me getting sick to get you here but I sure am glad to see you, babe.”

  Tessa kissed her dad’s cheek and laid her head on his chest and held him the best she could. “I love you, Daddy. Sorry it’s taken me so long to come home.”

  She felt her dad’s left arm pat her back, and then she noticed that he tried to move his right arm but was having difficulty doing so. He was right-handed and this was going to be really hard on him. “Don’t worry, Daddy, I’ll take care of the store until you’re ready to come back. Everything is going to be just fine.”

  As she sat up, she saw the tears in her dad’s eyes. “My little Tessa Rose has finally bloomed, just like I knew she would. You’re a beautiful young woman, babe. I’ve always been so proud of you,” he told her right before he drifted back to sleep.

  Chapter 3

  Tessa’s mom stayed at the hospital, refusing to leave. The nurses had brought in a rollaway bed, and she promised to try and get some sleep. They also said that they would make sure
that their mom had something to eat. Knowing the nurses were watching over not only her dad but also her mom made it easier to leave. As Brad drove Tessa and Ally back home, Ally talked a mile a minute. She had a million and one questions about Tessa’s life, how and when she had changed so much. Brad just glanced at Tessa once in a while giving her an amusing, almost apologetic little smile.

  As they drove, Ally reached over the bench seat and turned up the radio. “Let Me Go” by Christian Kane played on the radio. That was something else Tessa had missed, country music. “The Spur has a really great DJ every Saturday night. So next Saturday, you and me will be kicking up our heels together for the first time at The Spur. Can’t wait to see some of those West Coast moves you be doing,” Ally told her. Tessa smiled, thinking how funny it was that Ally was a frequent patron at The Spur and Tessa, being older, had never stepped foot in the door before.

  “I hate to disappoint you, Ally, but I doubt that the dancing is any different there then it is here. Probably the music is the only difference. We’ll see about next Saturday later. Right now I’m still trying to wrap my brain around taking over for daddy at the pharmacy.”

  Brad reached over and patted her knee. “We’re not worried, Tess. We all know you’ve got that covered. You’re gonna be just fine. Annie told me to tell you if you need help with anything she can come by after she drops Sophie at preschool on Monday.”

  “I’m not meaning to get in your business, but isn’t Sophie a little young to be in preschool?” Tessa asked, not really knowing the answer to that.